October 20, 2009 journal, praise for the president not sending more troops to Afghanistan from Pat Roberson. Well, at least he is in agreement as expressed on today's 700 Club. He said we are spending billions we do not have on wars and trashing the dollar blaming Congress. Actually he's blaming this president when it has been coming on since Reagan. American soldiers are being slaughtered every day for corporate profit and protection of Edomite Israel. Ron Paul was on CNN today saying again "Do not bailout Wall Street". It is doubtful Congress will be able to do that ever again because of the weakened dollar. Pat Roberson said the dollar is a laughing stock around the world as oil is going up again. Except for the suffering that I do not want to see, the dollar will not affect me very much. The big subject now is the enormous bonuses Wall Street is preparing to pay employees. They are rewarding them for helping them rip-off the American people by their gambling. The new health bill is now over 1400 pages becoming more ridiculous as more is added. Still there is no report of the nurse that contacted Gillian Barre deadly nerve disorder in New York after taking a flu shot that usually paralyzes the lung muscles, stop breathing. You can say that the major news media is censoring news in favor of their corporation owners and the banking conspiracy that rules the world although the U.S. dollar is about to topple from all indications & considering the enormous debt we owe foreign countries. The war in Iraq is what opened the jugular vein and poured out America's lifeblood both financially and physically. Why are the demons that conspired to start that war still free? North Carolina is about to release a double rapist on good behavior the cause economics. The grandstanding sheriff in Colorado said they are not interested in jailing the balloonist because their prisons are so crowded already they cannot take in anymore prisoners. A breakdown of law-and-order is eminent for financial reasons people will some be freed. The California Federal pot war was ended yesterday by one attorney general statement. Social Security funds is said to be missing 2.2 trillion dollars but still added as an asset so that is why Bill Clinton could claim a phony $500 billion surplus in one year's budget yet nobody agreed to pay that against the national debt on behalf of the taxpayers. It's all one big pile of trash not worth sorting out in my opinion and it is headed for final meltdown. I actually entered a conventional grocery store yesterday and was not surprised to see the prices have continually increased while the size of products continue to decrease mostly for corporate greed. Where could you go to find the standard wide toilet paper anymore? Over the last 10 years Wall Street literally gambled the floor out from under Manhattan. There was actually no need for the big deal for Congress to approve the bailout when the back door of the Federal Reserve has always been open to banks and also to powerful corporations like AIG. Look back America before you can look forward and see the crooked Federal Reserve takeover of the U.S. currency in 1913 and how we became slaves to Wall Street. Pat says Congress is deliberately trashing the U.S. dollar! That is hard for me to understand but its happening because there is a guidance system obscure. The international world power war machine is in control and the people are their pawns. The Afghan political election was declared a fraud by the United Nations so why fight for their freedom when their elections are even more corrupt than ours with voting machines. The shame of America is just beginning to be shown to world and it is bloody all the way. Even Lyndon Johnson was part of this conspiracy in efforts to keep the dollar a reserve currency by making a deal with Saudi Arabia and the oil cartel to trade in dollars only. Johnson was party to the attack on the SS Liberty by Israel to be used as a false flag.